STARS Mountain Challenge Raises Bu Coup Bucks


Want to have a great time skiing for a cause? Get a team together and enter this year’s STARS Mountain Challenge, a ski-around-the-mountain event that helps raise funds for adaptive recreational activities for people with disabilities. Last year’s event, which drew 16 costumed teams in the Full and seven in the Mini Challenge, topped $125,000 for the organization, thanks to donations from participants’ friends, families and colleagues. “It’s a great organization that provides life-changing programs to promote independence, self-esteem, and a healthy lifestyle for people with disabilities,” says Dan Simon of the 13-person Nick Would Foundation team, which raised more than $15,000 to become last year’s third-largest fundraiser for the event. “We had a blast and it was the perfect way to put the Nick Would Foundation name in front of the community. We’ll be doing this each year going forward.”